You are your story

You are your story

Control the narrative

You want to control the narrative surrounding your organisation: from its solid strategic foundations to responding to unexpected situations. Maintaining control cannot be taken for granted, it requires commitment, expertise and, above all, openness. And we have that in our nature.

Open to you

We get straight to the core of your communication needs, working as partners to address and resolve the challenges you face. Our approach requires an open mind, being unbiased and providing constructive criticism. We are honest about the options and potential outcome, and we take stock of the context and sensitivities. We are mindful of political tensions and processes, and know when to accelerate or hit the brakes. Our consultants’ first-hand, in-company experience is reflected both in our approach and our agility. We adjust seamlessly to each organisation and its processes, while remaining constructively critical.

Open to others

We are open about everything we do. Honesty always wins in the end. We help you shape, refine and convey your message – without any fancy tricks or tall stories. We focus on achieving optimal results in the same manner, providing you with keen analyses and convincing solutions. Created by communication consultants who think and act. Professionals with their finger on the pulse of current events and social developments. Taking serious account of internal and external target groups, their advice is always clear, feasible and achievable, resulting in transparent communication under all circumstances.

Open to improvement

We oversee the entire communications chain. We identify any weak links and support you in finding appropriate solutions where needed. We have a broad range of specialists at our disposal, from our own consultants who are all experts in their field, to our associate partners and extensive network of freelancers, each with their own specific skillset. And, of course, the trainers at De Trainingsstudio, all seasoned (former) journalists and presenters who will strengthen your communication skills. No matter how or with whom we support you, the outcome remains constant: consistent, across-the-board communication impact.

Open when it counts

A crisis doesn’t wait for working hours to commence. You can call on us any time, night and day, and we’ll be at your disposal, 24/7. With specialists who have navigated numerous organisations back to calmer waters following publicity storms. We’ll help you to gain an overview and take control. And, of course, we’ll ensure that you are well prepared and equipped for unexpected, potentially undesirable events. And once the storm has blown over, we’ll help you draw lessons from this and – where necessary – adjust your policies.

From quick solutions that we approach pragmatically to complex issues we simplify using our analytical and strategic skills. Our creative professionals cater to all your communication needs. Van Luyken’s flexibility, personal approach and consistent quality have made us the preferred partner for organisations with a good story for more than 45 years.

Our services

As a communications agency, Van Luyken focuses on strategic consulting, crisis communications, training and outsourcing – four
supporting links in the chain that result in consistent communication to achieve optimal impact. Each service strengthens your story in its own way.

Strategic consulting

For clear, targeted responses to your communication needs. From positioning and strategy to implementation. Together, we ensure that your story is told properly, clearly and convincingly. And, if you like, we help you to expand your communication skills. By coaching you, acting as a sounding board and providing supervision. In whatever manner we support you, we always connect you with one or more of our energetic consultants. Strategic, curious professionals keen on content and constructive criticism. All our consultants have first-hand, in-company experience. As such, we skilfully navigate internal politics and potentially charged dynamics.

Crisis communications

Optimal preparations ensure gaining control swiftly. Our training programmes and simulations reflect our high degree of experience in crisis management. As does the support we offer you in drawing up plans and protocols. Every crisis presents a unique set of circumstances. Essentially, you need a team of specialists on your side who have experienced several crises themselves. They know best what needs to be done to regain control and get a grip on the situation. We are those specialists. Available and immediately deployable, 24/7. And once the storm has blown over, we help you to clarify the lessons learned and adjust policy where necessary.

De Trainingsstudio

A good story gains strength if it is well told. Be it behind the microphone, in dialogue with journalists or in front of the camera. Situations in which most people feel uncomfortable. Our philosophy is that the media are not the enemy. But a story you don’t believe in yourself is. We can help you at De Trainingsstudio. We strengthen your communication skills and those of your colleagues. With professional training and coaching for presentations, media relations and crisis communication. Or more specifically, in mastering interview techniques or the skills needed for using a teleprompter. Experienced communication experts, including (former) journalists and presenters ensure that you learn to feel comfortable behind the mike under realistic conditions. And to have a relaxed conversation with a journalist. Also in front of the camera.

Interim solutions

All organisations have projects that require more staff or the temporary deployment of specialists. From within our network, we can find the professionals you need to help your organisation move forward. By supporting projects or strengthening and managing teams.


+31 (0)35 791 01 01
We are available and on call 24/7


Visitors’ and correspondence address
Mart Smeetslaan 1
1217 ZE Hilversum
The Netherlands